Last night i went to a party in the suburbs. House parties are definitely the way of the future as in a very little amount of time a with a very little amount of effort you can get sufficiently smashed. Last night was a perfect example of this. I had my beautifully fucked up friend Leonardo lying in the driveway of the house about 30 minutes after we got there. Poor kid said he hadn't eaten or slept in about three days and been charged with assault on the previous night for smashing a glass on a guys head and then biting the bar tenders arm. He told me there was glass and blood everywhere. I know he was going out and planning on getting completely blind i just wish now i'd gone with him so i could have helped him out a little. Mind you a night with leo almost always ends in blood being everywhere. But i asked him if he thought he might have to do jail time and he said "i hope not because i would most certainly get raped and i'm really not in the mood for that shit."
So apart from Leo, at this party there was also cute boys. When i say boys i mean boys. at one stage i found myself under this bush with another boy whilst he confessed to me he was still a virgin. Romantic right? Not really. he's like a year younger than me so i sort of just felt like a pedophile.
But the loving from the younger boys didn't stop there. Some boy named monkey was so insistent that i sleep at the party that night that he got a sleeping bag and chased me down the road with it. (I had left to start making the 2hour walk home which at this stage would have been healthier than trying to sleep the alcohol off.) He then tried to carry me in from the lounge room from where i'd made myself a bed to this other room. Sad thing was he couldn't lift me so it was more of a pathetic drag/push. Needless to say he only got me part of the way and then gave up. Guess it kinda wasn't worth it and i had really passed out at this stage.
The thing that had gotten me so drunk was their attentions in the first place. While i was drinking with this one boy i could see that all he was trying to do was get me drunk (the glass of red wine and vodka and coke that he was pouring me was the dead give away) but i couldn't resist falling into their so obvious trap.
I have to admit though there was a few times when i had to hold myself back from kissing these boys. They were just so sweet and beautiful.
In the morning i woke to my friend JJ waking me with his foot. "Come on do you want a lift?"
At first all i could do was groan until the mumble of words made sense. "Yes" i said sitting up too fast. I felt i had stayed too long in this strange world full of underage temptations. And getting into his car still in the sleeping bag i felt relived. I had escaped and whilst those poor kids (especially the ones who were trying to get me drunk as all they ended up doing was making themselves extremely drunk) were still sleeping i left.
Afterward i was speaking to a friend who witnessed the half push half drag. Apparently He heard a voice from inside the sleeping bag laughing saying you can't even carry me can you little boy. He said it was all very funny.