Anyone else feeling an american road trip? I want one so bad. It's looking like I won't even get a road trip in humble Australia let alone on Dusty Dreamy American Desert roads. Shame. However I have increasingly more and more friends moving over there so perhaps in the somewhere future! I've pretty much almost decided to get a job never and just casual work the summer and travel next winter. I'm too much of a dreamer to really take anything too seriously. Speaking of dreams i had a dream i was back in Egypt last night with all my middle east friends. I remember reeling relief at just being home again. Oh the love. Oh the friends and times i miss. It sucks too coz whenever i talk about traveling i sound like a dick "oh the time i was in Israel" hmmm maybs i just sound like a dick always.
One person i find extremely interesting is Courtney Love. I really want to read her autobiography and perhaps a biography by a different author because her life sounds crazy. I guess sometimes the truth is there is no truth. So many heart aches. So many mysterious deaths.
Hails from Sydney, Australia. Qualified as graphic designer, photographer, and cinema rat. But barely does any of that. Instead spends most of her time dreaming in the bath :)