Monday, April 18, 2011


What if it is
and only Time
that holds a
value in
our lives?
What if it is
what we should be
and saving and locking tight
in safety deposit
What if it is
what lives behind
the numbers on our
checks and credit cards
and how, yes how,
can we spend it?
I would sell all
I own and have and built
for more time
with you.

by Tyler Knott Gregson

Friday, April 8, 2011

sturt makes me trololo like a trololo cat should!

(that was me he was looking at... )

i want you. i want you so baaaaaaaad.

i worked out i was the only one riding the roller coaster. and if i did it much longer i'd probs make sturt throw up from motion sickness due to him trying to watch me and keep track from the ground.

"by doing shit like this your making your fear come true. if u keep doing things like this i won't want to be with you"