left alone to float on the chards of all your friends missconceptions.
in a way i'm so thankful that i have been rejected by these fleas,
they have chosen to reject me, my blood being too strong willed, too honest for them to prey on.
how have you run with them for so long?
i chose you. i saw something in you, but do you have the clarity to see it yourself?

its easy to remember that if it weren't for me you wouldn't have to deal with this,
and its easy to forget that if it weren't for you i wouldn't need to either.
start saying somthing coz ur silence and coldness hurts
i can not belive that such a silly little pig and her pet could cause us such tension.
in your own common words "I thought we were past this"

but we are. its only in my own mind that i create such barriers.
what fool am i to think that such hollow words forged carelessly and in the womb of a spineless worm could ever sway something so pure as gold and as strong as love.
i have been stung, but not by any sort of clever trickery.
more by the clumbsy violent bashing of uneducated words.
Un justified school yard name calling.

i can not wait for the real saddo to be exposed.
Dear daniel,
In response directly to your whole argument of reasoning;
"Brooke is one of my best friends and you making up shit that never came out of her mouth makes me so fucking angry. Brooke rarely says a bad word about anyone."
daniel, honey, she wasn't saying anything bad about you. Your intergrity was never on the line. It wasn't you she was accusing of being in the wrong. On the contary she was expressing that "opinion/idea/rumour" out of concern for you.
"I know Brooke would never say a bad word about Cez or me and there is no way she would ever make up a rumour such as the one you have conceived."
Dearest daniel, don't be a fool. Although you have some form of remnanets of a realtionship on the line when this disastar happened, dude please understand and recognise that I myself had way more to loose. Lucky for me i have stronger roots and you have no chance of being able to blow any of it away. But indeed i have way more of a relationship, and friendships to loose.
Please keep this inmind before you senslessly go accusing. I understand and even appreciate the way in which you simply want blood, not facts but buddy go prey on someone else. Also please keep a leash on your dragon. Any more death threats can land you in court. i say this simply out of charity, as most adults would be able to realise this on their own.
wishing you only what you deserve and more cat.

i would like to run away.
the stench of bad words is too strong in the air.
words are always the hardest stain to remove,
so when laying them down please be sure that this is where and how you want them to be

i want to be perfect,
fly above everything.
give me wings to deal with d & c.
and no that c does not stand for carol.
excape this constricting view
this suffocationg surface
that is the earth.