Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I remember watching this movie being about 5, (its one of my mum's favourites.) It is probably the first adult movie I ever watched and mostly understood what was going on. Even then it and the soundtrack had the ability to inspire me. It 100 percent embodies the 80's power women, it is the movie version of the shoulder pads and the power suit. Better than this, it is the 80's woman letting loose, celebrating being herself and maybe also letting go of what has held her back. I remember even as a 5 year old understanding (not to the same depth) the pain of seeing an old love move on from you and in a growing pain, gain strength from it. Very poignant and breath taking, as gay as that sounds, is the way that independence and also grace represented in this movie and soundtrack.

I guess I really was conceived during the 80's, because seriously, these songs just get me. Anyways, the first time I really started listening to this song, and then included it on all of the mix CD's i made for like a year straight, was the first year out of highschool, first year uni. I remeber drving down the princess highway, to the library, to read whatever books i bloody wanted, without anyone monitoring or closing off my options and thinking i was ON TOP OF THE WORLD!

For the first time EVER i chose what i read, how long it took me and what i did when i read it, no essay, not exteresinisal reading, just pure enjoyment, surely i must have been on the highway to the danger zone!!!

I'd always loved The Killers, definitely felt a connection to them back in the Mr Brightside, The OC days, long before they released that song about the man who should have talked like a gentleman and looked like jesus.

But then after that, this was the first album of theirs that I listened to through and through. From Bones, to Confessions of a king to the Wild River it's  perfect. It is actually (even more so than RHCP (hard to beat) the most perfect album i have ever experienced.) This is especially because i felt like it was about escape, at the time I most needed escape. But in the same sense, this album, and all of its songs, taken either on their own or as a whole can transport me right back to sweet innocent Cat, on one of her first ever adventures far away from home. Creating and deciding who she is and whom she wants to be. I have never felt more beautiful or more mortal than I did in those days.  I kept her, I saved myself. I'm still here, and I'll always have the Killers to remind me of that!

Let the River Run- Carley Simon
Danger Zone (top Gun Soundtrack) - Kenny Loggins
Sam's Town- The Killers
Bones- The Killers
This River Is Wild- The Killers

Beach House- (Devotion)
Goldfrapp- (Seventh Tree)
Future pop 2008- (album)
Moby- Go (The very best of Moby)

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